Source code for reducer.gui

from __future__ import (division, print_function, absolute_import,

import ipywidgets as widgets
from traitlets import link, Bool, observe, Unicode

__all__ = [

class CheckboxPlus(widgets.Box):
    A replacement for the default Checkbox class from ipywidgets. It allows the
    user to choose whether the checkbox comes before or after the description,
    and allows the width of the description to be changed. By default the
    description expands to fits the text.


    All of the parameters that ``Checkbox`` takes, plus these:

    box_first : bool, optional
        If ``True``, the checkbox is put before the description, which matches
        the behavior of the ``Checkbox`` in ipywidgets 5. If ``False``, the
        checkbox is after the description, as in ipywidgets 4.

    # We need a value to keep track of the state of the checkbox, and HBox
    # does not have a value by default. We will link this to the value of
    # the actual checkbox below.
    value = Bool(default_value=False)
    disabled = Bool(default_value=False)

    def __init__(self, *arg, **kwd):
        box_first = kwd.pop('box_first', False)
        description = kwd.pop('description', '')
        super(CheckboxPlus, self).__init__(*arg, **kwd)

        # Set the description to an empty string to ensure no space
        # is left for it.
        self._check = widgets.Checkbox(description='',
                                       style={'description_width': 'initial'})
        self._description = widgets.Label(value=description)
        children = [self._check, self._description]
        if not box_first:

        # Make this a flex-box
        self.layout.display = 'flex'

        # This ensures vertical alignment between the checkbox and its label.
        self.layout.align_items = 'center'

        # Keep the checkbox and description close together
        self.layout.justify_content = 'flex-start'

        # Tie this widget's value to the value of the actual checkbox.
        link((self, 'value'), (self._check, 'value'))
        # Tie this widget's disabled state to that of the actual checkbox.
        link((self, 'disabled'), (self._check, 'disabled'))

        self.children = children

[docs]class ToggleContainer(widgets.VBox): """ A widget whose state controls the visibility of its chilren. Parameters ---------- Same as parameters for a `~IPython.html.widgets.Box`, but note that the description of the ToggleContainer is used to set the description of the checkbox that controls the display, AND toggle_type : {'checkbox', 'button'}, optional Specify the type of boolean widget used to toggle the display Attributes ---------- container : ContainerWidget Object to which children should be added. toggle : ToggleButtonWidget or CheckboxWidget The toggle object, provided primarily to allow styling of it. disabled : bool Gets and sets whether the entire widget is disabled, i.e. the toggle box and all children of this widget controlled by the toggle. Notes ----- Do *NOT* set the children of the ToggleContainer; set the children of ``ToggleContainer.children`` or use the `add_child` method. """ visible = Bool(default_value=False) def __init__(self, *args, **kwd): self.description = kwd.pop('description', '') toggle_types = {'checkbox': CheckboxPlus, 'button': widgets.ToggleButton} toggle_type = kwd.pop('toggle_type', 'checkbox') if toggle_type not in toggle_types: raise ValueError('toggle_type must be one of ' '{}'.format(toggle_type.keys())) super(ToggleContainer, self).__init__(*args, **kwd) self._toggle_container = widgets.Box() # Boxes no longer have a description in ipywidgets 7 so add one here self._toggle_container.description = 'toggle holder' self._checkbox = toggle_types[toggle_type](description=self.description) self._toggle_container.children = [self._checkbox] self._container = widgets.VBox() # Boxes no longer have a description in ipywidgets 7 so add one here self._container.description = "Toggle-able container" self._state_monitor_container = widgets.Box(visibility='hidden') # Boxes no longer have a description in ipywidgets 7 so add one here self._state_monitor_container.description = "For internal use only" self._state_monitor_container.layout.visibility = 'hidden' self._state_monitor_container.display = 'none' self._state_monitor = widgets.Checkbox(visibility='hidden') self._state_monitor.layout.visibility = 'hidden' self._state_monitor.layout.display = 'none' self._state_monitor_container.children = [self._state_monitor] self.children = [ self._toggle_container, self._container, self._state_monitor, ] self._link_children() self._child_notify_parent_on_change(self.toggle) # Cache the current value of container's display before we start switching # visibility. self._display_cache = self._container.layout.display # Make absolutely sure a change happens... self.visible = True self.visible = False def __str__(self): # Build up a list of strings of top level and children yes_no = lambda x: 'Yes' if x else 'No' base = ' '.join([self.description, yes_no(self.toggle.value)]) if self.toggle.value: child_strings = ['\t' + str(child) for child in self.container.children] indented_kids = [s.replace('\n\t', '\n\t\t') for s in child_strings] base += '\n' + '\n'.join(indented_kids) return base @property def container(self): """ Widget that contains the elements controlled by the toggle. """ return self._container @property def toggle(self): """ Toggle widget that controls other display elements. """ return self._checkbox def _link_children(self): """ Links the visible property of the container to the toggle value. """ link((self._checkbox, str('value')), (self, str('visible'))) @property def disabled(self): """ True if widget is disabled. """ return self._state_monitor.disabled @disabled.setter def disabled(self, value): # Not every widget has a disabled attribute (e.g. ContainerWidget), # but we can go down through children recursively if needed. def set_disabled(child, value): if hasattr(child, 'disabled'): child.disabled = value elif hasattr(child, 'children'): for grandkid in child.children: set_disabled(grandkid, value) # someday test for boolean in here.... self._state_monitor.disabled = value self.toggle.disabled = value for child in self.container.children: set_disabled(child, value) @property def is_sane(self): """ Subclasses can define a method that indicates whether the current combination of settings is sensible. Returns ------- sanity : bool or None True if the settings are sensible, False if not, None if not overridden. """ return None
[docs] def display(self): """ Display and format this widget. """ from IPython.display import display display(self) self.format()
[docs] def format(self): """ Format widget. Must be called after the widget is displayed, and is automatically called by the `display` method. """ # self._toggle_container.set_css('padding', '3px') self._toggle_container.layout.padding = '3px' # self.container.set_css('padding', '0px 0px 0px 30px') self.container.layout.padding = '0px 0px 0px 30px' #self.container.set_css('border', '1px red solid') #self._toggle_container.set_css('border', '1px red solid') # self._toggle_container.remove_class('start') # self._toggle_container.add_class('center') self._toggle_container.layout.align = 'center'
[docs] def add_child(self, child): """ Append a child to the container part of the widget. Parameters ---------- child : IPython widget """ temp = list(self.container.children) temp.append(child) self.container.children = temp self._child_notify_parent_on_change(child)
[docs] def action(self): """ Subclasses should override this method if they wish to associate an action with the widget. """ pass
def _child_notify_parent_on_change(self, child): # For some reason DropdownWidgets do not have a value key, only a # value_name key. Seems inconsistent with the rest of the # widgets, but whatever... if isinstance(child, ToggleContainer): # If the child is a ToggleContainer we only need to link in # to its _state_monitor because it will take care hooking up the # things in the container to its _state_monitor. child._state_monitor.on_trait_change(self._ping_handler(), str('value')) elif str('value') in child.traits(): # If the child has a value trait we want to monitor it. child.on_trait_change(self._ping_handler(), str('value')) else: # Might be a plain ContainerWidget (or tab or accordion), so look # for its children. try: for grandchild in child.children: self._child_notify_parent_on_change(grandchild) except AttributeError: pass def _ping_handler(self): def flip_state(): self._state_monitor.value = not self._state_monitor.value return flip_state @observe('visible') def _set_visibility(self, change): """ Update whether the child container is visible using the ipywidgets 5 approah. """ if change['new']: self._container.layout.visibility = 'visible' self._state_monitor.value = True self._container.layout.display = self._display_cache else: self._container.layout.visibility = 'hidden' self._state_monitor.value = False self._display_cache = self._container.layout.display # This removes the element from the layout on screen. self._container.layout.display = 'none'
[docs]class ToggleMinMax(ToggleContainer): """ Widget for setting a minimum and maximum integer value, controlled by a toggle. Parameters ---------- description : str Text to be displayed in the toggle. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwd): super(ToggleMinMax, self).__init__(*args, **kwd) style = {'description_width': 'initial'} self._min_box = widgets.FloatText(description="Low threshold", style=style) self._max_box = widgets.FloatText(description="High threshold", style=style) self.add_child(self._min_box) self.add_child(self._max_box)
[docs] def format(self): super(ToggleMinMax, self).format() # Set some of the formatting self.container.layout.justify_content = 'space-around' self.container.layout.width = '50%' # Oh yuck. Current solution for handling visibilty is not # so good....this makes sure that when the widget is made # visible it will be a flex-box. self._display_cache = 'flex' for child in self.container.children: child.layout.width = '10em'
@property def min(self): """ Minimum value in the widget. """ return self._min_box.value @property def max(self): """ Maximum value in the widget. """ return self._max_box.value def __str__(self): # Build up a list of strings of top level and children yes_no = lambda x: 'Yes' if x else 'No' base = ' '.join([self.description, yes_no(self.toggle.value)]) if self.toggle.value: child_strings = ['\t' + str(child.description) + ': ' + str(child.value) for child in self.container.children] indented_kids = [s.replace('\n\t', '\n\t\t') for s in child_strings] base += '\n' + '\n'.join(indented_kids) return base
def _set_visibility(change): """ Update whether the child container is visible using the ipywidgets 6 approah. """ target_widget = change['owner'] cached_display = target_widget._visible_layout_display if change['new']: target_widget.layout.visibility = 'visible' if cached_display is not None: target_widget.layout.display = cached_display target_widget._visible_layout_display = None else: target_widget.layout.visibility = 'hidden' target_widget._visible_layout_display = cached_display or 'flex' # This removes the element from the layout on screen. target_widget.layout.display = 'none'
[docs]class ToggleGo(ToggleContainer): """ ToggleContainer whose state is linked to a button. The intent is for that button to be activated when the contents of the container are in a "sane" state. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwd): super(ToggleGo, self).__init__(*args, **kwd) self._go_container = widgets.HBox() traits = { 'visible': Bool(), '_visible_layout_display': Unicode(allow_none=True, default_value=None) } self._go_container.add_traits(**traits) self._go_container.observe(_set_visibility, 'visible') self._go_button = widgets.Button(description="Lock settings and Go!", disabled=True) self._go_button.layout.display = 'none' self._change_settings = widgets.Button(description="Unlock settings", disabled=True) self._change_settings.layout.display = 'none' self._go_container.children = [self._go_button, self._change_settings] self._progress_container = widgets.Box() self._progress_bar = widgets.FloatProgress(min=0, max=1.0, step=0.01, value=0.0) self._progress_bar.layout.display = 'none' self._progress_container.children = [self._progress_bar] # we want the go button to be in a container below the # ToggleContainer's container -- actually, no, want these # buttons controlled by toggle...wait, no, I really do want that, but # I also want to tie their visibility to the toggle. kids = list(self.children) kids.append(self._go_container) kids.append(self._progress_container) self.children = kids # Tie visibility of go button to toggle state. Needs to be separate # from the container. link((self._go_container, str('visible')), (self.toggle, str('value'))) self._go_button.on_click(self.go()) self._change_settings.on_click(self.unlock()) # Tie self._state_monitor to both go button and color of toggle button self._state_monitor.on_trait_change(self.state_change_handler(), str('value')) self._state_monitor.on_trait_change(set_color_for(self), str('value'))
[docs] def format(self): """ Format the widget; must be invoked after displaying the widget. """ super(ToggleGo, self).format() for child in self.container.children: try: child.format() except AttributeError: pass # self._clipping_widget.format() # self.container.set_css({'border': '1px grey solid', # 'border-radius': '10px'}) self.container.layout.border_width = '1px' self.container.layout.border_color = 'gray' self.container.border_radius = '10px' self.container.layout.border = '1px grey solid' # self.container.set_css('width', '100%') self.container.layout.width = '100%' # self.container.set_css('padding', '5px') self.container.layout.padding = '5px' # self._toggle_container.set_css('width', '100%') self._toggle_container.layout.width = '100%' # self._checkbox.set_css('width', '100%') self._checkbox.layout.width = '100%' # self._go_container.set_css('padding', '5px') self._go_container.layout.padding = '5px' # self._go_container.set_css('width', '100%') self._go_container.layout.width = '100%' # self._go_button.add_class('box-flex1') self._go_button.layout.width = '100%' # self._change_settings.add_class('box-flex3') self._change_settings.layout.width = '30%' #self._go_button.add_class('btn-info') self._go_button.button_style = 'info' # self._change_settings.add_class('btn-inverse') # btn-inverse has been removed from Bootstrap 3. self._change_settings.button_style = 'primary' # self._progress_container.set_css('width', '100%') self._progress_bar.layout.width = '100%' #self._progress_bar.add_class('progress-info') self._progress_bar.bar_style = 'info' #self._progress_bar.set_css('width', '90%') for child in self._go_container.children: # child.set_css('margin', '5px') child.layout.margin = '5px'
@property def is_sane(self): # There are two ways to be insane here: # 1. No steps are selected for child in self.container.children: try: if child.toggle.value: break except AttributeError: # The child isn't a toggle, apparently... pass else: # Reminder: this executes if the loop completes successfully, # i.e. none of the children are selected return False # 2. There is a combination of settings that doesn't make sense. mental_state = [child.is_sane for child in self.container.children if hasattr(child, 'is_sane') and child.is_sane is not None] sanity = all(mental_state) return sanity @property def progress_bar(self): return self._progress_bar
[docs] def state_change_handler(self): """ Ties sanity state to go button controls and others """ def change_handler(): if self.is_sane is None: return # Sorry about the double negative below, but the IPython widget # method is named DISabled... self._go_button.disabled = not self.is_sane if self.is_sane: self._go_button.layout.visibility = 'visible' self._go_button.layout.display = '' else: self._go_button.layout.visibility = 'hidden' self._go_button.layout.display = 'none' # self._go_button.visible = self.is_sane return change_handler
[docs] def go(self): """ Returns the action to be taken when the "Go" button is clicked. """ def handler(b): """ b is the button pressed """ self.disabled = True self._go_button.disabled = True print(self) self.action() # change button should really only appear after the work is done. self._go_button.layout.width = '68%' # self._change_settings.visible = True # Make the change settings button visible. self._change_settings.layout.display = '' self._change_settings.disabled = False return handler
[docs] def unlock(self): """ Handler for the unlock button. """ def handler(b): self.disabled = False self._go_button.disabled = False # self._change_settings.visible = False # Hide the change settings button again. self._change_settings.layout.display = 'none' self._go_button.layout.width = '100%' return handler
[docs] def action(self): """ The default action is to invoke the action of each child with an update of the progress bar along the way. """ # self.progress_bar.visible = True # Show the progress bar. self.progress_bar.layout.display = '' self.progress_bar.value = 0 for idx, child in enumerate(self.container.children): self.progress_bar.value = (idx + 1) / (len(self.children) + 1) try: child.action() except AttributeError: pass self.progress_bar.value = (idx + 1)/len(self.children) # Sleep for a bit so we can see progress happening. # self.progress_bar.visible = False # Hide the progress bar now that we are done. self.progress_bar.layout.display = 'none'
[docs]def set_color_for(a_widget): def set_color(name, value): if a_widget.toggle.value: if not a_widget.is_sane: a_widget.toggle.button_style = 'warning' else: a_widget.toggle.button_style = 'success' else: a_widget.toggle.button_style = '' return set_color