
class reducer.astro_gui.Trim(*arg, **kwd)[source]

Bases: reducer.astro_gui.Slice

Controls and action for trimming a widget.


container Widget that contains the elements controlled by the toggle.
cross_validation_lock A contextmanager for running a block with our cross validation lock set to True.
disabled True if widget is disabled.
is_sane Determine whether combination of settings is at least remotely plausible.
model_id Gets the model id of this widget.
toggle Toggle widget that controls other display elements.


action(ccd) Trim an image to bounds given in the widget.
add_child(child) Append a child to the container part of the widget.
add_traits(**traits) Dynamically add trait attributes to the Widget.
class_config_rst_doc() Generate rST documentation for this class’ config options.
class_config_section() Get the config class config section
class_get_help([inst]) Get the help string for this class in ReST format.
class_get_trait_help(trait[, inst]) Get the help string for a single trait.
class_own_traits(**metadata) Get a dict of all the traitlets defined on this class, not a parent.
class_print_help([inst]) Get the help string for a single trait and print it.
class_trait_names(**metadata) Get a list of all the names of this class’ traits.
class_traits(**metadata) Get a dict of all the traits of this class.
close() Close method.
display() Display and format this widget.
get_state([key]) Gets the widget state, or a piece of it.
handle_comm_opened(comm, msg) Static method, called when a widget is constructed.
has_trait(name) Returns True if the object has a trait with the specified name.
hold_sync(*args, **kwds) Hold syncing any state until the outermost context manager exits
hold_trait_notifications(*args, **kwds) Context manager for bundling trait change notifications and cross validation.
observe(handler[, names, type]) Setup a handler to be called when a trait changes.
on_displayed(callback[, remove]) (Un)Register a widget displayed callback.
on_msg(callback[, remove]) (Un)Register a custom msg receive callback.
on_trait_change([handler, name, remove]) DEPRECATED: Setup a handler to be called when a trait changes.
on_widget_constructed(callback) Registers a callback to be called when a widget is constructed.
open() Open a comm to the frontend if one isn’t already open.
section_names() return section names as a list
send(content[, buffers]) Sends a custom msg to the widget model in the front-end.
send_state([key]) Sends the widget state, or a piece of it, to the front-end.
set_state(sync_data) Called when a state is received from the front-end.
set_trait(name, value) Forcibly sets trait attribute, including read-only attributes.
setup_instance(*args, **kwargs)
trait_metadata(traitname, key[, default]) Get metadata values for trait by key.
trait_names(**metadata) Get a list of all the names of this class’ traits.
traits(**metadata) Get a dict of all the traits of this class.
unobserve(handler[, names, type]) Remove a trait change handler.
unobserve_all([name]) Remove trait change handlers of any type for the specified name.
update_config(config) Update config and load the new values

Methods Summary

action(ccd) Trim an image to bounds given in the widget.

Methods Documentation


Trim an image to bounds given in the widget.


trimmed : ccdproc.CCDData

Trimmed image.