Source code for reducer.image_browser

from __future__ import (division, print_function, absolute_import,

from collections import OrderedDict
import os
from io import BytesIO

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.image as mimg

from import fits
from astropy.extern import six
from astropy.visualization import scale_image
from astropy.nddata.utils import block_reduce

import ipywidgets as widgets
from ipywidgets import Accordion

import msumastro

from .notebook_dir import get_data_path

__all__ = [

[docs]class ImageTree(object): """ Create a tree view of a collection of images. Parameters ---------- tree : `msumastro.TableTree` Tree of images, arranged by metadata. """ def __init__(self, tree): if not isinstance(tree, msumastro.TableTree): raise ValueError("argument must be a TableTree") self._tree = tree self._id_string = lambda l: os.path.join(*[str(s) for s in l]) if l else '' self._gui_objects = OrderedDict() self._top = None self._create_gui() self._set_titles() # Generate an array to improve initial display time ndarray_to_png(np.random.rand(1200, 1200)) @property def top(self): """ Widget at the top of the tree. """ return self._top def _get_index_in_children(self, widget): parent = widget.parent for idx, wid in enumerate(parent.children): if widget is wid: return idx def _replace_child(self, parent, old=None, new=None): """ Replace old child with new. Parameters ---------- parent : IPython widget String that identifies parent in gui old : IPython widget Child to be replaced new : IPython widget or None Replacement child (or None) Notes ----- Children are stored as a tuple so they are immutable. """ current_children = list(parent.children) for idx, child in enumerate(current_children): if child is old: current_children[idx] = new parent.children = current_children def _create_gui(self): """ Create the tree gui elements. Notes ----- Each node of the tree is either an `IPython.html.widgets.Accordion`, if the node has child nodes, or a `IPython.html.widgets.Select`, if the node has a list. Note well this does **not** allow for the case of child nodes and a list, so this does not really suffice as a file browser. List nodes monkey with their parents by editing the description to include the number of list items in the node. """ for parents, children, index in self._tree.walk(): if children and index: # This should be impossible... raise RuntimeError("What the ???") parent_string = self._id_string(parents) depth = len(parents) try: key = self._tree.tree_keys[depth] except IndexError: key = '' if depth == 0: self._top = Accordion(description=key) # self._top.selected_index = -1 self._gui_objects[parent_string] = self._top parent = self._gui_objects[parent_string] # Do I have children? If so, add them as sub-accordions if children: child_objects = [] for child in children: desc = ": ".join([key, str(child)]) child_container = Accordion(description=desc) # Make sure all panels start out closed. # child_container.selected_index = -1 child_container.parent = self._gui_objects[parent_string] child_string = os.path.join(parent_string, str(child)) self._gui_objects[child_string] = child_container child_objects.append(child_container) parent.children = child_objects # Do I have only a list? Populate a select box with those... if index: new_text = widgets.Select(options=index) index_string = self._id_string([parent_string, 'files']) self._gui_objects[index_string] = new_text # On the last pass an Accordion will have been created for # this item. We need to replace that Accordion with a Select. # The Select should be inside a box so that we can set a # description on the box that won't be displayed on the # Select. When titles are built for the image viewer tree # later on they are based on the description of the Accordions # and their immediate children. old_parent = parent grandparent = old_parent.parent desc = old_parent.description s_or_not = ['', 's'] n_files = len(index) desc += " ({0} image{1})".format(n_files, s_or_not[n_files > 1]) # Place the box between the Select and the parent Accordion parent = widgets.Box(description=desc) parent.children = [new_text] parent.parent = grandparent self._replace_child(grandparent, old=old_parent, new=parent)
[docs] def display(self): """ Display and format this widget. """ from IPython.display import display display(self._top)
def _set_titles(self): """ Set titles for accordions. This should apparently be done *before* the widget is displayed. """ for name, obj in six.iteritems(self._gui_objects): if isinstance(obj, Accordion): for idx, child in enumerate(obj.children): if not isinstance(child, widgets.Select): obj.set_title(idx, child.description)
[docs] def format(self): """ This gets called by the ImageBrowser so don't delete it. For now it also closes all of the tabs after the browser is created because doing it before (at least ipywidgets 5.1.5 and lower) causes a javascript error which prevents properly setting the titles. """ for name, obj in six.iteritems(self._gui_objects): if isinstance(obj, Accordion): obj.selected_index = -1 for idx, child in enumerate(obj.children): if isinstance(child, Accordion): child.selected_index = -1 elif isinstance(child, widgets.Box): child.children[0].width = "15em"
[docs]def ndarray_to_png(x, min_percent=20, max_percent=99.5): shape = np.array(x.shape) # Reverse order for reasons I do not understand... shape = shape[::-1] if len(shape) != 2: return width = 600 # pixels downsample = (shape[0] // width) + 1 scaled_data = scale_image(x, min_percent=min_percent, max_percent=max_percent) if downsample > 1: scaled_data = block_reduce(scaled_data, block_size=(downsample, downsample)) img_buffer = BytesIO() mimg.imsave(img_buffer, scaled_data, format='png', cmap='gray') return img_buffer.getvalue()
[docs]class FitsViewer(object): """ Display the image and header from a single FITS file. """ def __init__(self): self._top = widgets.Tab(visible=False) self._data = None # self._png_image = None # ndarray_to_png(self._data) self._header = '' self._image_box = widgets.VBox() self._image = widgets.Image() self._image_title = widgets.Latex() self._image_box.children = [self._image, self._image_title] self._header_box = widgets.VBox() self._header_display = widgets.Textarea(disabled=True) self._header_box.children = [self._header_display] self._top.children = [self._image_box, self._header_box] @property def top(self): return self._top
[docs] def display(self): """ Display and format this widget. """ from IPython.display import display display(self._top) self.format()
[docs] def format(self): """ Format widget. Must be called after the widget is displayed, and is automatically called by the `display` method. """ self._top.set_title(0, 'Image') self._top.set_title(1, 'Header') # self._header_display.set_css('height', '300px') self._header_display.height = '400px' self._header_display.width = '500px' # Let the bike shedding begin.... self._image_box.align = "center" self._image.padding = "10px" self._image_box.border_style = 'solid' self._image_box.border_radius = "5px" self._image_box.border_color = "lightgray" self._header_box.align = "center" self._header_box.padding = "10px"
[docs] def set_fits_file_callback(self, demo=True, image_dir=None): """ Returns a callback function that sets the name of FITS file to display and updates the widget. The callback takes one argument, the name of the fits file, or 'demo' to enable the display of a couple of sample images. """ def set_fits_file(name, fits_file): """ Set image and header to a particular FITS file. Parameters ---------- fits_file : str The name of the fits file, or 'demo' to enable the display of a couple of sample images. """ if demo: import random place_holder_files = ['', ''] use_file = random.choice(place_holder_files) full_path = os.path.join(get_data_path(), use_file) else: if image_dir is not None: full_path = os.path.join(image_dir, fits_file) else: full_path = fits_file with as hdulist: hdu = hdulist[0] self._data = self._header = hdu.header self._header_display.value = repr(self._header) self._image.value = ndarray_to_png(self._data) self._image_title.value = os.path.basename(full_path) = True return set_fits_file
[docs]class ImageBrowser(widgets.FlexBox): """ Browse a tree of FITS images and view image/header. Parameters ---------- collection : `ccdproc.ImageFileCollection` Directory of images. """ def __init__(self, collection, allow_missing=True, *args, **kwd): self._directory = collection.location self._demo = kwd.pop('demo', False) self._tree_keys = kwd.pop('keys', []) missing = 'No value' if allow_missing else None tree = msumastro.TableTree(collection.summary, self._tree_keys, 'file', fill_missing=missing) kwd['orientation'] = 'horizontal' super(ImageBrowser, self).__init__(*args, **kwd) self._tree_widget = ImageTree(tree) self._fits_display = FitsViewer() = False self.children = [self.tree_widget, self.fits_display] # Connect the select boxes to the image displayer self._add_handler(self.tree_widget) @property def tree_widget(self): """ Widget that represents the image tree. """ return @property def fits_display(self): """ Widget that displays FITS image/header. """ return
[docs] def display(self): """ Display and format this widget. """ from IPython.display import display display(self) self.format()
[docs] def format(self): """ Format widget. Must be called after the widget is displayed, and is automatically called by the `display` method. """ # self.set_css('width', '100%') self.width = '100%' self._tree_widget.format() self._fits_display.format() # self.tree_widget.add_class('box-flex1') self.tree_widget.width = '25%' # self.fits_display.add_class('box-flex2') self.fits_display.width = '67%' for child in self.children: # child.set_css('margin', '10px') child.margin = '5px'
def _add_handler(self, node): if isinstance(node, widgets.Select): node.on_trait_change( self._fits_display.set_fits_file_callback(demo=self._demo, image_dir=self._directory), str('value')) return if hasattr(node, 'children'): for child in node.children: self._add_handler(child)